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How to Choose a Business Plan Writer

How to Choose a Business Plan Writer from The Startup Garage

Regardless of whether you are a first time entrepreneur starting a new business or a seasoned entrepreneur seeking capital to leverage your existing business, any investor will require a business plan. Writing a business plan is incredibly daunting for most business owners, whether because of difficulty, lack of time or lack of expertise. As a […]

Stage 2 of Non-Profit Incorporation: Planning

Non-Profit Incorporation Planning From The Startup Garage

Create a Business Plan Beyond the Mission Statement and Purpose that you have already drafted, you should create an entire business plan that will serve as a roadmap as you get your operations started.  The Business Plan includes your mission and purpose, but also provides detail on all aspects of your business: the budget and […]

Overview of the Stages of Non-Profit Incorporation

Overview Stages Of Non-Profit Incorporation By The Startup Garage

Once you have decided to incorporate your non-profit, your next task is to prepare to file with the state government to attain official non-profit corporation status. The first stage of your preparations includes articulating your purpose as an organization and drafting a mission statement.  You also need to recruit a board of directors.  Whether you […]

The Four Non-Profit Structures

The Four Non-Profit Structures By The Startup Garage

A Non-Profit organization can be structured in several different ways.  Depending on your organization’s liability risk, the type of activities your organization wishes to engage in, and the complexity of your finances, one of the following structures may suit you best: Corporations A corporation is a separate legal entity that has the capacity to sue […]

Overview of the Types of Non-Profits

Overview Of The Types Of Nonprofits By The Startup Garage

Now that you have decided to start a non-profit organization, you must consider which legal structure you wish to use.  The most common form of non-profit is the non-profit corporation, and later in this blog series I will explain how you can file for incorporation if you wish to do so.  If you don’t want […]

Things to Consider for a Non-Profit Business Model

Things To Consider For A Non-Profit Business Model

Not all business ideas fit squarely in either the for-profit or non-profit realms.  Deciding which business model to pursue requires some consideration of your specific situation, including your access to both financial capital and human capital.  The most significant benefit to starting your business as a non-profit is the ability to turn your altruistic vision […]

So You Want to Start a Business?

So You Want To Start A Business from The Startup Garage

7 visual steps to guide you through the startup process This infographic from Bolt effectively outlines what you will need to know to get your business up and running. Below are links for more information on each step. Step 1: Write a Business Plan Step 2: Choose a Business Location Step 3: Finance your Business […]

Writing a Mission Statement that Matters

Business Plan Mission Statement from The Startup Garage

Your company’s Mission Statement is regarded as the guideline of your company’s direction. While also representing your company’s beliefs and values, your Mission Statement will give you goals and direction. It is an opportunity to show what you wish to accomplish and how you will go about doing so. These few lines of your business […]

Do I really need a business plan?

How Important is my Business Plan from The Startup Garage

Business Plans are an important business startup step for entrepreneurs and small business owners. At The Startup Garage, we’ve helped a wide variety of entrepreneurs who want a business plan to get their strategy together or raise money. We’ve also helped many who think they might need a business plan, but they don’t really know […]

Sales Forecasting Success

Sales Forecasting Success from The Startup Garage

One crucial part of a complete business plan is your sales forecast. This component is the basis of a company’s financial projections and should be given high priority when creating a marketing plan. The future direction of the company may rest on the accuracy of your sales forecasting. There are many ways to forecast sales. […]