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Stride – a CRM System Catered to Small Business

Stride CRM News from The Startup Garage

With Salesforce gaining speed and big exposure in the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) world, it is beginning to be met with opposition gearing towards the needs of small business. Created under the need of simplicity, a CRM system focused on small business owners named Stride goes into private beta today.

By eliminating complicated reports, the adding of contracts, and dealing with multiple salespeople, Stride focuses on the basics: deal-tracking and high-level metrics. So what does that mean exactly? Stride, in essence, will easily help you to track variables such as active deal value, average values, number of active deals, etc. It’s simple and visually appealing interface will create pie charts and graphs that will illustrate time and value and compare gains and losses.

With the products pricing beginning at FREE and going up to $7/month of unlimited deals alongside a soon-to-be integration with Quickbooks, Freshbooks, and Rapportive, this simple CRM machine might just become the annoying thumbtack stuck in Salesforce’s foot.

Read the full article over at TechCrunch.

Whether you have a question about the CRM Stride, or you’d like to discuss our business plan writing services, Legal Clenbuterol feel free to contact us for a free consultation!