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This is a sample business plan for Go Green Yoga Mats. The menu above can be used for navigation between sections of the business plan.


Go Green Yoga Mats sells eco-friendly yoga products in the continental U.S. and was established in 2008. Owners Tyler and Hunter Jensen are determined to make the #1 seller of eco-friendly yoga packages and products in the United States. We will be successful through good business practices, fast delivery, quality products, and a great marketing plan.


The yoga industry has 16 million participants and is continuing to grow.[1] The green movement is also on the rise with people becoming more conscious about how the decisions they make will affect the environment. Consumers are spending more time researching products online and then making purchases, instead of always going to a brick and mortar store.
Go Green Business Plan
There are several competitors in this industry and including large organizations with online and brick and mortar stores and smaller companies that only sell online. Go Green Yoga Mats plans to set themselves apart through their high quality products and package deals. They offer a variety of eco-friendly yoga mats and package deals for consumers to choose from. They even have a MATmatcher to help customers determine what option is best for them. All of their products are sold at the same or lower price than their competitors making them a better choice for most consumers. The website also contains additional information about yoga so consumers can continue to gain more knowledge about the industry while they shop.

The key in this industry is to create a user friendly and trust worthy company that sells high quality eco-friendly products with great customer service.

Go Green Yoga Mats marketing goals are to increase our website traffic by 15 percent each month. They plan for their sales on e-bay to have a similar increase, 15 percent per month.


Hunter Jensen and his team of four staff members handle software development and some marketing at the Pacific Beach office. Accounting, customer service, marketing, and order fulfillment are handled by Tyler Jensen and a team of three to four staff members at the Solana Beach office.


The company is expect to generate $355,000 at the end of the second year with very low overhead.

Go Green Business Plan



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