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Vintage Home & Residential Care provides assisted living solutions for senior adults. Vintage is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to San Diego senior citizens who require or desire an assisted living facility. Vintage is located in an ideal climate in the community of Bonita, California. Seniors experience pleasant conditions of a combination of coastal and inland valley climates. This climate is perfect for seniors who may suffer arthritis, joint problems, or are susceptible to colds.

Vintage is an alternative to the typically larger, less personal senior assisted living facilities and specializes in the ability to provide a very high level of care in a smaller, more personalized environment. Vintage provides assistance to seniors in their activities of daily living which includes assisting with medicine, meals, reminders, personal grooming, physical therapy, etc. Vintage also provides an opportunity for entertainment, companionship, and activities which enable seniors to find fulfillment. A goal of Vintage is to service seniors with residential care providing seniors with the best of both worlds — a private home environment mixed with the companionship and activities that a larger facility affords.

Alice Smith, the owner and operator of Vintage has been using her home over the last several years to care for a senior citizen who is also a member of her family. Through this experience Alice has gained invaluable experience and knowledge, and at the same time has continued to develop her already strong passion to help others. As this passion has grown, Alice has decided to convert her residential dwelling into a personalized care facility for seniors that are at a stage of their life where they require assisted living. In addition to the personalized care that residents of Vintage will receive, Vintage also provides amenities that are unavailable at other residential care facilities, such as a pool and meditation garden.

With 272,220 elderly people in San Diego, there is a sufficient market for Vintage. The number of elderly people in San Diego has grown by 17.34% from 2000 to 2010, and will continue to grow in the coming years as the baby boomer generation ages further. Estimates have this number growing by 157% through 2050.

Vintage will start operations with a capacity of three guests increase to a total of five guests at the beginning of year two, which is an occupancy level that allows the business to be profitable. Plans for future expansion include renovation of the facility to increase the capacity to 7 guests, as well as the possibility of opening a second facility.


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