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Focus on the Customer

Focus on the Customer from The Startup Garage

When considering the business model of the sales for your startup, leave yourself the flexibility to cater to the precise needs of every specific customer. As your business is small you can do this better than your big competitors.  Accommodating the specific needs of every one of your customers is your competitive advantage.  You know your customer face to face and you communicate with him in person. Therefore, you are much more likely to close on your customer, as you spend a little time on every one of your targets.

Know the fears of your customer. Often people are anxious to buy something that is too expensive or that would take a long time until it is ready to use. So, avoid their fears. Offer them a smaller package, or a sample, or a free week of using your product. In fact, offer all of this options and then track the results so that you know what has worked for you.  If it is the price that scares away your customer, offer different payment options or financing programs. In the end of the day, what is most important is the fact that you have made a sale.

Be prepared to take the time to learn about your customers not only in the business sense but also figure out why they are successful, what their hobbies are, what conferences and business seminars they go to. Customize your product to fit their lifestyle or simply use your knowledge to craft a more compelling message to them or to build a better marketing campaign. As your business grows you would be able to use your customer knowledge and group your clients by their similarities and differences. Use this to your advantage when you target them later.


Whether you have a question about how to focus on your customer or you’d like to discuss our business plan writing services, feel free to contact us for a free consultation!

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